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Wadena-Deer Creek High School

AllieCat's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AllieCat's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Wrestlers should wear spandex. It keeps everything compressed and tight to the body. If it were flopping around, we would have some pretty hurt wrestlers.

1 point

No, hes not! seriously people. Its right under your noses

1 point

considering the amount of crime we have in our streets, this is an easy answer. NO, the goverment shouldnt be able to take away our guns. How are we supposed to defend ourselves, with bubble gum and feathers?

1 point

David, MOST people who are shy and use social networking aren't going to be less shy if they get the opportunity to meet that person in real life. People who are social networking addicts often dont know who is real and isnt real. you could have a "best friend" who you met online and that person turns out to be a 3rd degree sex offender.

1 point

another example is when you are texting or facebooking you cant always interpret what the sender really wanted to say. They could be saying one thing and you take it a totally differant direction then it was intended to be taken. its hard to put the right emotion into a social networking message even with all the emoticons we can choose from :)

1 point

Since our country was bulit on the foundations of freedom of religion, people should be allowed to express their religious views by praying. (if desired) nobody cna classify what is the "norm". Who knows, atheism might be considered the "norm".

3 points

I think that social Networking is tearing our generation apart. We are so used to just facebooking our thoughts, and texting people that we have lost all social skills. We use email to talk to somebody who is long distance from us instead of calling them. Everything we do is so impersonal. you cant build and keep a friendship together just by texting them.

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