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Wadena-Deer Creek High School

Brittamoen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brittamoen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Definitely, you creep. I'm scared...............are you in the commons?

1 point

Mr. Grendahl is DEFINITELY a secret agent. Why would you even ask this question?

1 point

Private schools should have their own state tournaments because public funding gives them an advantage to hiring coaches and buying better equipment.

1 point

Social networking brings people together. The opportunity to go on social networking websites and connect with new and old friends can form new friendships and make old ones stronger.

1 point

Actors and professional athletes are absolutely paid too much money. There is basically no benefit to society being an athlete or an actor. Professions like teachers, firefighters and police officers are by far the most honarable, and should be paid like it.

1 point

Standardized testing holds students back in the long run. Students spend an entire year learning what is on a test to meet standards for information they only learn to forget. Taking the initiative to teach and retain doesn't happen when students are only focused on meeting yearly test standards.

1 point

Separation of church and state is important in the public school system. Public schools are funded by the United States government which was founded based on the pricipals of religious freedom and tolerance. Mandating or accepting prayer in schools does not show religious tolerance to those who chose no religion or a differing religion from what the area "norm" is.

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