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Wadena-Deer Creek High School

Jordan32's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jordan32's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

hey guys! im back!


and brrh it was cold out yesterday

1 point

trust me im more clever than you think. remember those cameras i was talking about...

1 point

teachers out of the room... you guys should have a party or do something fun

1 point

this seems immature, truly i dont think that this topic is even worth the time.

1 point

im in cafeteria


1 point

really? you think? if you need to spend time thinking about maintaining your job, then maybe you dont know how to do your job correctly.

1 point

Saying that makes me mad. Thats hypocritical. You're saying that all kids should have to wear the same kind of clothes... cause if your not part of the "norm" then thats a PROBLEM? What happened to self expression. You shouldnt be able to wear those big diamond earings because that could make some kids feel "left out"

3 points

If medical marijuana is a gateway drug, then cig are a gateway drug. Thats like saying drinking sparkling grapejuice is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic.

1 point

Yes I somewhat think that this would be a good idea. teachers do sometimes lack vital skills. when the principle comes into the class to view them, the teacheres tend to act differently. i think cameras in every classroom would be a great idea. then teachers would always have to be on their toes.

2 points

If we just make teachers work for a short amount of time, and then lock them in, teachers loose initiative and motivation. Tenure does create job security but its obviously hurting our states education.

2 points

if you have a problem with it then dont watch professional sports or any tv or movies. thats the truth

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